Friday, September 26, 2008

Hyalite Cirque Traverse attempt

Well, the ridge traverse is still there....
For two weekends in September J and I attempted to traverse from Mt. Blackmore to Hyalite Peak along a beautifully sculpted, horribly loose, knife edge at times ridge. Snow in September foiled our plans two weekends in a row, and the optimal season is only getting shorter. We may have one more go at it, but until then here are some photos of our attempt at this 18 mile, 6800' gain and 6500' loss run with some class 4 (possibly 5th class) climbing. A beautifil ridge indeed particularly in the cool, crisp fall air.

The route follows the ridge J is gazing longingly at and drops down the other side of the peak.

A great little section with some exposure on both sides of the ridge just before the valley inversion rose and engulfed the mountains as well.

These are just some of the photos/views we had before the low lying fog and clouds raced up every valley bringing with it some precip and providing lovely 30ft. visibility....Next time.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Geek post, nothing more

It's geek season here. E is knee deep in thesis panic and J is chest deep in mathola. D is teaching his usual philosophy courses as well. So here's a good quote for the day:

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." -Carl Sagan